TriSupporter is celebrating 5 years this month. I can't believe it's been 5 years since Rianman started on the Ironman journey and I started on the TriSupporter road. Since we started, Rianman has completed two Ironman races and a number of halfs, olympics, road races, and a marathon. We've also cheered on good friends, Marcus and Bob, who began their Ironman journeys and those that continued on theirs, Monty, Kat Anne, and many others.
Rianman has taken a leave of absence as it were from triathlons but we're still TriSupporters! Five years ago, I didn't know where this journey would lead...I just wanted to create a tshirt for a race. And now, this week, this TriSupporter will partake in her first 5k. Wish me luck. And don't worry. I'm not going any further or adding any other sports.
Ding, ding.
Just a TriSupporter