Last Monday Rianman and I nervously watched our computer clocks as 12 noon approached. Repeatedly we refreshed the web page waiting for the exact moment we would be able to register as volunteers for the 2009 Ironman Wisconsin. We spent the night before analyzing all the volunteer opportunities and settled on body marking as our first choice. Body marking would mean an early rise but we'd be done by 7 am leaving us able to watch the entire race. Not to be unprepared, we had a 2nd choice and if we failed to gain a slot for our 2nd choice, we each had a 3rd and final choice.
The computer clock read 12:00 PM and I refreshed one last time. Nothing. The page wouldn't load. I tried again. Nothing. Microsoft wanted to diagnose the problem. I knew the problem--too many people were hitting the server...all trying to gain their favored volunteer opportunity. Hundreds? Thousands of people hitting the server at the same time crashing it. We refreshed and nothing. Rianman and I were experiencing the same problems just in different parts of the house. Our friend, Jodie, also trying for Body Marking with us was not having any better luck and she was in Wisconsin.
Finally at 12:22 pm, I got in! Every step of the process was nerve-wracking, what would happen when I hit Submit? Would my registration get lost in the ether? Well at one point in the process that is just what happened. While sorting the volunteer opportunities, the page went blank. Nothing. I looked at the URL and didn't know what to do. So I took a shot and hit the back button. My work was not lost and I submitted again and this time the gods were smiling down on me and the Sunday AM Transition slots appeared--oh the relief! I continued without problems and got my confirmation...I would be body marking on September 13th from 4:45 am to 7 am. Not long after, Rianman got his confirmation! And after a quick phone call to walk her through it, Jodie got hers!!
I felt like I did when I registered Rianman for the 2008 IMOO...the tension of beating out all the other people and beating the clock. When you're feel like you've won a race! You're exhilarated and's a little rush and on Monday at noon, the start of work week, it was the perfect jolt.
In just 4 months we'll be using our big Sharpies to write numbers on peoples' arms and legs...for most, these are numbers they'll never forgot. The numbers will be hanging in garages, basements, and captured in photos displayed online and on fridges...not permanent like a tatoo yet enduring. It'll be an honor and great fun!!
Holy Cow just four months of training left???!!! Cant wait for the Sharpie Ink to hit my clean shaved skin. : )
Posted by: kat~ | May 11, 2009 at 04:01 PM
By the way I still have my big fat sigh....... Lov'it.
Posted by: kat~ | May 11, 2009 at 04:02 PM
Hope you get one of us to Body Mark you! and 4 months is plenty of time!
Posted by: TriSupporter | May 12, 2009 at 12:49 PM
Yay! I think you guys will be lucky for me.
Posted by: Trish | May 13, 2009 at 09:25 AM