Well we're off to Madison to volunteer for Ironman Wisconsin 2009--get ready for the best body markers ever. Line up now. You won't want to miss being body marked by me. I've been practicing--you can't image how good my '0' looks!
For first time IMOO TriSupporters, I have some advice.
For those of you sherpas getting ready, be patient. This weekend is all about the triathlete. What s/he wants to do, when they want to do it, and how they want to do it, no matter how inane or selfish...just let it go. There's no need to add to the stress. If you know me, you know I'm not the kind of girl who takes crap. But this weekend really is a big deal. The triathlete has spent the last 6-8 months training and s/he's probably nervous and anxious. You have also spent the last 10 or 12 weekends alone. You've either done all the household chores yourself or your house is falling apart. You've sacrificed--so is it really worth making this the weekend you lose your patience? I think not.
Be supportive for just a few more days. Then come Monday or Tuesday when you're flying home or driving in the car, the bitchin' can start and at that point, it's about you again.
Have a great race to all our friends - we'll be cheering you on. Monty and Kat - it'll be twice as nice. Trish - you've got it in you. To all the others out there - we'll be toasting to you at the Union.
Ding, Ding.
PS: Starbucks will be open early--the lines can be long. Plan to change your shoes at least once--your feet will thank you. Charge your camera battery. Dress in layers. Wear bright colors so you'll be noticed by your barely conscious athlete on mile 20 of the run. Have fun!