Tomorrow is the Jackson County Triathlon at Longview Lake. Rianman will be doing the long course for his final race before IMOO 2010 on September 12. We went today to pick up the packet which was not bad. A pair of socks and tshirt among the regular stuff. I'm all for something other than just a tshirt. I'm a big fan of pint glasses, shorts (only 1 race ever so far that gave shorts), socks and useful bags. There was a flyer for a free cyclocross beginner classes--great does this mean another new bike?
Right now Rianman is getting his stuff together on the family room floor. In another hour we'll be heading to Jun's for sushi then heading to bed around 10 pm for a 4:30 am departure.
Good luck to all the athletes and especially Bob who will be doing his first long course triathlon.
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